Female Lead Singer
An original song can set your project apart in ways that almost no other creative feature can. Consider for a moment your favorite animated films or video games. Think about the ones you remember most fondly. They all have unforgettable music performed by highly talented professionals. Not only is original music one of the…

Original Voice Actor Cast Performance
Halloween is a tradition around the studio. In 2012 we performed an original scripted eight-minute skit featuring the characters from the LadyStar series, Crispy the Dragon, the Zombie Plumbers, Railgranny, the Fat Guys on Tricycles with Bazookas and numerous other crazies. We called it “Live from the Scene of the Zombie Apocalypse” and it is…

Broadcast-Quality Animation
Yep, we actually produced an animated television series! It was five episodes, featured original art and animation by our comic artists and also featured a complete cast of voice actors and a script by LadyStar author Shane Lochlann Black. We consider this an example of what’s possible with today’s technology and a little creativity.